Regardless of what type of work you might to, or what endeavour you participate in, anyone wishing to stand out from others in a significant and/ or meaningful manner, needs to point out to others the ways that distinguish himself from the crowd. It takes a combination of objective introspection combined with a commitment to contemplating why others would benefit by selecting you! The most effective and impactful individuals take these things into consideration: 1. What is your message, and what is the message you wish to give? Know your message and your desired niche; 2. Understanding how social media can be effectively used in combination with other methods; and, 3. Realize that different generations analyse matters, communicate and operate differently, and that there are significant differences in many cases between those belonging to the Baby Boomers, Gen - X, and Mellenials Generations.
1. Social media can either be an effective and important component of marketing and branding yourself, or it can be all - encompassing and utilize far too much of your time and energies. The first step must be analysing, identifying and determining precisely what message you wish to transmit, and how each component should become a portion of creating and enhancing your personal brand. What differentiates you? Why should others select you and decide to choose you to do business or have relations with? Think about this question, and break down your message to the length of an elevator speech, by fully yet succinctly motivating others to care about your message and methodologies, as well as your unique approach!
2. Using social media does not, and must not, mean abandoning other more conventional means of communication. Social media is always more effective and meaningful when a well considered strategy is used that synergistically links the social media message to the message transmitted via other media, including printed and oral/ verbal communication.
3. It is important to understand and distinguish the generations known as Baby Boomers, Gen - X, and Mellenials. Baby Boomers are those born between 1945 and 1960, Gen - X between 1961 and 1980, and the Mellenials between 1981 and 2000. While these ranges are absolute, because of environmental, social and experience differences, the reality is that different age groups often process information differently, as well as have differing comfort zones. Baby Boomers, while often adapting to technology, still often prefer telephone and face - to - face communication as their primary or go - to method. They often seek to develop relationships, as well as to be somewhat social justice - oriented, while generally believing in the need for mutual respect and courtesy (such as responding to questions and communications, committing to appointments and being on time, etc. Gen - Xers often tend to be more concerned about themselves and their immediate social group, often preferring less personal forms of communicating, and use texts more than they like phone calls. Their exposure differed significantly from either of the other two generations in many areas. Mellenials never experienced a time when there was no colour television, personal computers, video games, air conditioning, etc. Many believe this generation is often the most narcissistic of the three, and tend to prefer to digest things in capsule form rather than in depth, often seeming to believe that there is no necessity to reply, unless it is personally essential to them.
Only when we adapt our message to the needs of all three of these generations do we fully brand ourselves in a significant manner. Social media, used to its fullest and correctly, can significantly and positively effect this process.
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