Do you now possess all that you have ever desired in life? Are you living a fulfilled life? Everyone has certain dreams that he wants to achieve in life. What if I told you that anything is possible in life? You have a weapon that you can use to align what you have and the desires of your heart. If you want to fulfil your desires, this article is for you. So read on.
In Proverbs 18:21, the Bible says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it shall eat the fruit of it." In simple terms, this means that the words you speak can either bring death or life. The words you speak can make you suffer or be excited about life as you receive the rewards.
Your words are important
Exploiting the power of your tongue is not about what people do or say to you, but about what you say to your own life. What we are and have is a result of what we have been saying over the years. It is true that people have said some things in the past over our lives. At times we say we are what we are because of those things that have been said and done to us. However, that is not true. What makes a difference is what we believe about what is said to us. If you do not believe in certain words that have been spoken over your life, you can dismiss them before they take root in your subconscious mind. In that way, they cannot not have any effect on your life. If you believe and embrace them, they become yours. In that way they result in tangible things i.e. you reap the results.
Only you, have power over your life
No one has power over you without your consent. No one can force something on you. In order for any word spoken over your life to materialize, you must have accepted them as yours either consciously or unconsciously. God created you as a free moral agent. You have the power of choice. God Himself respects your will. How much more about a human being trying to force his ideas on you? Even Adam and Eve in the Bible were never forced to partake of the forbidden fruit. The fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They were deceived by the devil using the serpent. They exercised their will power. Even today, you can be deceived into believing a lie. Once you have believed the lie, it becomes yours. So when you act on it, there will be results whether good or evil. In this case you are accountable.
So I advise you to use your words wisely because they have power. Use your words for the good of your life and those who are around you. If you have been using your tongue or words anyhow, change today. After some time you will be grateful that you did.
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