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What You Consistently Focus on Will Eventually Manifest in Your Life

Did you ever desire to see something so strongly in your life? Or desired so badly to have it as yours? I do not know about you, but I did. In this article, I want to show you what can help you possess what you desire in your life.
When I read newspapers I note that most of the time the headlines are made by bad news. Many people buy those newspapers. What does that imply? In my opinion, society wants to hear of bad news. So that is why the news producers ensure that bad news make the headlines because they are in business and they want to sell.
The same thing happens in our lives. If we focus on negative things i.e. things we don't want, we will always attract them. They say energy flows where attention goes. So this will help you. Focus on the things you desire to see in your life. For example, if you want to own a big beautiful house, see it first with the eyes of your spirit. See it in your imagination. You can then have a drawing or plan of the house to speed up the process of having it.
It happened that I noticed a beautiful property as I drove to my work place in Manzini. The property had two houses in it. I liked the property as I saw it at a distance. As I kept on looking at it several weeks, I then desired to own it. With time the desire became intense and its picture had formed within me and I had it everywhere I went. After sometime I saw a beautiful property advertised in a newspaper. I was drawn to inspect it and I discovered that it was the property I had been desiring. Guess what? I finally bought the property and getting finance was not difficult.
Some people waste their time focussing on things they do not want. They fight those things trying to avoid them. They are surprised to realize that those things keep on coming to affect them. In the Bible, Job said that the things he feared finally caught up with him. He feared losing his children and some of his possession. So I advise you to stop focussing on the negative, but focus on the positive. I have learned in life that whatever is ignored eventually dies. So ignore what you don't want and focus on that which you desire to see in your life.
What do you see now? God asked Abraham to look up and see. He said as far as he would see with his eyes, He would give him that land. Abraham was going to possess the land he saw. Finally, the land of Canaan became his and his descendents as God had promised. So keep on dreaming if you want your life to be interesting. See your desires being fulfilled. Allow the desires to be intense. Be consumed by your desire. Do not worry about how it will happen. A way will show up like it did for the Israelites before the Red Sea. So take action.

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